Welcome to the Pharma Pollution Hub

The problem

Medicines like aspirin, anti-depressants and blood pressure drugs, are being used more and more by people. But more medicines for us means more medicines ending up in our rivers and seas, creating a harmful cocktail for fish, wildlife and humans.

Finding solutions

The Pharma Pollution Hub is dedicated to finding solutions through a systems thinking, collaborative approach. We bring together organisations from across society and support them to collectively drive change.

Our three aims:

  1. Define the problem

  2. Mobilise the research community to accelerate change

  3. Collectively identify pragmatic solutions

Our scope

Our work is currently focused on pharmaceuticals used in human healthcare. We consider the entire healthcare pharmaceutical life cycle, and our work spans a huge remit, so we have created five interlinked working groups.

Join the conversation

To stay up to date with our latest news please subscribe to our newsletter and join us on LinkedIn. You can also get in touch by emailing PharmaPollutionHub@group.exeter.ac.uk.


Integrating pharmaceutical pollution into healthcare decision-making  


What is a systems thinking approach to change?